Day 18 - Aug 22

Prayer Point for Today: Celebrate Recovery & The Cause Inner Healing Ministry.

The Internal Struggle

Oh, what a miserable person I am! Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death? 25Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord.

Romans 7:24-25a NLT

Husbands buy flowers.  Wives make a nice dinner.  Roommates clean the kitchen.  Employers declare “’attaboys” to their workers.  

What precipitates such kindness?  Many times it is an attempt to remedy a broken situation.  Perhaps like me, you have had the experience of intending to do a good thing, make a pleasant remark, or defuse a volatile situation only to find yourself sucked into a vortex of anger and confusion.   Intending to do well, we end up making the problem worse.

Such is the nature of life without the freedom that Jesus provides.  Paul in Romans chapter seven explains the frustration of wanting to do the right thing, only to succumb to the ways of sin.  

This old anonymous proverb, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions” is all too true.  But, the good news is that the way to Heaven is open wide with the power of forgiveness and freedom through Jesus.

If you’re struggling with a habit, negative thoughts, a lopsided relationship, or a load of debt, then seek Jesus your Savior.  He can disconnect you from the old patterns and ruts of behavior.  

I know it seems impossible, but all things become possible in Him!


Day 17 - Aug 21


Day 19 - Aug 23