Day 17 - Aug 21
Prayer Point for Today: New vibrancy and power of the Holy Spirit (personal & corporate).
Ultimate Freedom
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 6:23
Free thinking people like to be in control of their own life. They don’t like to be told what to do. Choice is everything to independent people. Choice without perspective however, can be dangerous and in some cases deadly.
Snow skiing or snowboarding is an activity of freedom. The slopes provide plenty of room for personal expression within the boundaries of the runs. Outside of the groomed hills or trails, mountain terrain is normally severe including cliffs, trees, and house-size boulders. Even in the freestyle sport of skiing there exist restrictions to prevent inadvertent catastrophe. Maps are provided, signs are posted, boundary stakes are plentiful, and fences are installed all with the purpose of providing maximum enjoyment while averting a crisis.
Our existence on this planet has tons of opportunities for both individualism and threatening circumstances. Ignoring the boundaries of life may create an illusion of personal freedom, but it can often include destructive results.
God breathed into us the breath of life and we became living souls (including unrestricted free will). Sin is very much man’s way of ignoring God. It is man living without heavenly perspective and subsequently inviting death to dreams, destinies, relationships, health, and abundant living.
God has the ultimate answer in gifting us eternal life. This offering brings freedom from sin’s pain and imprisonment, and even more importantly from its penalty of eternal separation from God.
Jesus came to bring life both now and forever. You do not have to be anchored to sin any longer. Embrace the Savior.