Day 11 - Aug 15
Prayer Points for Today: International Missions & International Revival.
His Kindness
Don’t you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you? Does this mean nothing to you? Can’t you see that His kindness is intended to turn you from your sin?
Romans 2:4 NLT
As the years of life pass, and living in a healthy relationship with the Lord ensue, His amazing love and goodness becomes increasingly undeniable.
The Apostle Paul understood the heart and plans of God better than almost anybody. He knew how the love and justice of God intersected to form the perfect answer for all of us tempted by the lure of sin. That answer is found in His patience, kindness, and tolerance.
It was never in God’s heart to see us suffer under the weight of the curse of the enemy. He intervened initially with the nation of Israel with the system of forgiveness through sacrifice. When that did not change the human heart, He completed His plan of rescue by sending His only Son as the final sacrifice. The Cross brings us the freedom through which we can now receive His Spirit into our heart. We are prisoners no more!
Additionally, sin has no control over those who give their heart to God. God has provided a way of forgiveness and freedom from both the penalty and the power of sin. Ultimately, heaven provides relief from even the presence of sin.
Never forget that even when you succumb to temptation, or sin unknowingly, the Father is ready to forgive you because of the Cross. Choose God’s ways; they are always better!