Day 10 - Aug 14
Prayer Points for Today: Increased joy for the saints. All in Next Steps & Connect Groups
Not Ashamed
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.
Romans 1:16
The Gospel is not brilliant, complex, or even ethereal. It is simple, straightforward, and clear. Its message, designed in God’s mind and heart to redeem a broken race, is such that both the genius and the common can embrace it. A truth and hope that any person of any age or circumstance can accept could have only been the product of heaven.
It’s sad though that heaven’s ways are not very often celebrated by the human mind. We like to believe that our minds have all the answers, and we don’t like to have anybody else tell us anything. Paul was educated to the equivalent of a doctorate, and when he declares that he is “not ashamed of the gospel” the intention is simply that he is proud to surrender it all to the Lord. The great thinkers in antiquity have nothing on the message of the Almighty’s love for all mankind. As a matter of fact, the most intellectual and academic of discussions are mere trivia compared to the Good News.
Perhaps being a Christian has invited intellectual derision from others. Maybe doubts interfere with your spiritual confidence. Here’s a suggestion, doubt your doubts. Consider deeply the Gospel message, and educate yourself on the beauty of its simplicity. Most strategically, put your faith to work. Trust God with those things that seem beyond your natural ability to impact. Jesus ushered in the Kingdom in word and power. He will do the same in your life if you ask and believe.