Day 21 - Aug 25

Prayer point for Today: Wisdom for pastors & leaders of The Cause in all their decisions.

Preventing Disaster

The Lord’s light penetrates the human spirit,
    exposing every hidden motive.

Proverbs 20:27   NLT

Coming before the Lord in prayer and repentance is not primarily about feeling bad in relation to poor choices, selfish decisions, ugly thoughts, or regrettable words.  Many of our behaviors, some of which may become habits or addictions, can damage our health, vitality, and relationships.  A secret eats away at our soul, and unabated sin slowly wraps its tentacles around us until one day we are captured by it.  Sinful actions not only pain the heart of God, but they destroy His work in our life.  Opening our soul to God is like cleaning the infection out of a wound; it must be done or the results are disastrous.  It takes the light of God to cleanse the disease of sin, and allow for vibrant of and healthy re-growth of the soul.

The issue is not being “found out” but “set free”.  

There are cracks in our make-up.   Vulnerabilities exist in our structure. People have blind spots and exposures of which they are not consciously aware.  The Spirit of the Lord works to examine us not to put us down and create shame, but to prevent disaster.  The Holy Spirit is like the inspector or x-ray that looks for those things that may lead to a breakdown.  God is not interested in seeing us explode under pressure, but preventing such painful possibilities before they become imminent.  

Kind deeds emerging from manipulative motives are insincere at best, or downright deceptive at worst.  Flattering words coupled with ill intentions are the actions of a “Judas”.  Betrayal is excruciating because it originates from a friend.

The Lord will search our hearts not to demonstrate our sinfulness but to set us free from it. 

Welcome the light of the Lord into your life.  His ways are always better!


Day 20 - Aug 24