6/4/20 Racism, Injustice, and The Kingdom // An interview with Dr. Matthew Harris and Dr. Mary Harris (June 4, 2020) Previous Fatherly Wisdom (6/21/2020) Next 999 (9 Days, 9 O'clock, 9 Dimensions) (May 31, 2020) You Might Also Like Difference Maker: Not Famous, But Significant (2/9/2020) 999 (9 Days, 9 O'clock, 9 Dimensions) (May 31, 2020) Floating Zoo (3/4/2018) Hope - The Anchor of Your Soul (7/19/2020) Rebuilding The Walls Week 2
6/4/20 Racism, Injustice, and The Kingdom // An interview with Dr. Matthew Harris and Dr. Mary Harris (June 4, 2020) Previous Fatherly Wisdom (6/21/2020) Next 999 (9 Days, 9 O'clock, 9 Dimensions) (May 31, 2020) You Might Also Like Difference Maker: Not Famous, But Significant (2/9/2020) 999 (9 Days, 9 O'clock, 9 Dimensions) (May 31, 2020) Floating Zoo (3/4/2018) Hope - The Anchor of Your Soul (7/19/2020) Rebuilding The Walls Week 2