August 7

Undercover King

The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

Matthew 25:40 NIV

A popular television show in recent years titled Undercover Boss features the company president or CEO visiting his places of business not in a fancy suit but in disguise. The show’s format features the experiences of senior executives working undercover in their own companies to investigate how their firms really work and to identify how processes or training can be improved, as well as to reward hard-working employees.

Jesus said the Kingdom works in a similar fashion.  He said that when we serve, help, visit, and assist people in need, that we are in reality doing it to Him.  What a revelation!  Do you realize that God observes how we treat all people, not just the ones we like. 

Here’s one approach that may be helpful.  Try to see the good and the “God image” in every person you encounter.  Rather than looking down at people who seem under your status, look at them like you are encountering a king “undercover.”  How would that change your interactions on a daily basis?

Remember that to some people you too are not very significant.  There are certain cultures where the social strata are so severe that one group are never to speak to another.

In the Kingdom, we are all special to the Almighty. 

For God so loved the world (each and every person) that He gave His Son…(John 3:16.) 

Don’t you think we could give just a moment of our time to another?

You just might be encountering the King Himself.