DAY 20
His Spirit
Consider some of these frequently uttered phrases:
“My demons have come back to haunt me.”
“These are just some of the skeletons in the closet.”
“I’m going through hell right now.”
“I feel so oppressed.”
“It’s as if he were possessed.”
Additionally, have you ever thought about the fact that alcohol is sometimes referred to as “spirits”?
I bring up these often heard expressions because there is in each of us a familiar awareness of the realm of darkness that impacts our ability to enjoy life, love freely, and laugh easily.
The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy—the curse which we all were born into and live under. But Jesus has come to set us free, to give us life abundantly.
In prayer, we draw close to Jesus, the champion of the human race, and we are able to disentangle ourselves from the pervasive influence of the enemy.
Indeed, there are demons that haunt, skeletons that intimidate, and hellish circumstances. But God loved us so much that He sent His Son to intervene.
And the Bible says that He now lives to make intercession for the saints, “Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them” (Hebrews 7:25).
Here’s a suggestion: keep your spirit open to His Spirit, not the spirits of the world.