DAY 19

What is The Lord Teaching You?

What is the Lord teaching you?
As we near the end of our 21 days of prayer and fasting, I want to ask if you are seeing breakthrough in your life? Are you hearing Him speak to you with definition and clarity? Has there been a shift in your circumstances?
Many of us have committed to at least some involvement in this first-of-the-year personal spiritual emphasis. I would love to hear what is happening in your life. In the next few days, take a moment to share your testimony and email it to
Recently, in our GROW reading, we looked at Luke 14 and paused for some rather serious reflection at the “cost of discipleship” (verses 25 through 35). During that part of Jesus’ “crowd thinning” message, we see that the summons to follow Jesus is not about us. It is not about what’s “hot” right now, what’s popular, what’s sensational; but it is about what’s right and good and pure. Jesus in this section speaks in the form of hyperbole (exaggeration) in order to make His point, that following Him is not casual or superficial, but about matters of the soul.
“So likewise, whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple.” – Luke 14:33
During a fast, we forsake our natural urges, subdue our flesh, and limit our escapist tendencies in order to present more of ourselves to Him. Clearly, this is not the complete fulfillment of “forsaking all,” but it does strike at the heart of our spiritual life—that man truly does not live on bread alone.
I’m proud of you!