DAY 15

"Seed Faith"

So, one week left of our call to corporate prayer and fasting. Come on, you can do anything for 7 days.  Don’t quit. Press on.
One of the spiritual giants of the last 100 years was Oral Roberts who initiated the practicality of “seed faith”; that what you do now is preparing a harvest for your future. Prayer and fasting, increasing the intensity of your spiritual life, and stepping up your pursuit of heaven will bring both the immediate reward of intimacy with the Father and the long range return of a great spiritual dividend.  The Holy Spirit is working in you to prepare you for anything that you may encounter or opportunities that may present themselves.  That is seed faith in action.
We are planting seeds for a future harvest—new seeds, different from the ones we planted a year ago or more! These are seeds of obedience and faith, seeds for breakthrough and change, seeds that will multiply.
I believe that in everything we do, we need to think in terms of multiplication.  Multiply your resources, multiply your energy, and multiply your service by mentoring and helping others.  God has given us seed that should produce a harvest far beyond what we can imagine.
This fasting and prayer “seed” has incredible potential to yield returns of 30, 60, or 100 fold (Matthew 13:8). 
I believe it for me, and I believe it for you!