DAY 13


The LORD has heard my supplication;
The LORD will receive my prayer.
—Psalm 6:9

As King David took his requests to the Lord, it was clear that he was not afraid to share any of his emotions, thoughts, fears, or questions with his Creator.  The Psalms, of which David wrote a significant portion, run the gamut of joyful to despondent, hopeful to desperate, faithful to fearful, even peaceful to vengeful.  Are these dimensions not also reflective of how we operate?
But in the midst of all of the humanness of the Psalms, the recurring theme is repeated innumerable times as indicated above, HE HEARS OUR PRAYERS!
Today, as you press on in your fasting and prayer, even if this feels like a “dry” spot to you, be confident that He is listening, that He cares, that He is moving, and that your season of refreshing is coming!
Revelation 5:8 says that the Lamb receives each prayer as incense in His presence, an aroma that is unmistakable.  No prayer is ignored, no tear unnoticed, no pain overlooked, no challenge missed.  He is on your side!
Press on!